Getting To Know Chris Sochor; A Dynamic Actor and True Renaissance Man
In this highlight we turn our attention to Chris Sochor. Some may recognize Mr. Sochor as a Paladin from ABC Network’s The Quest, however Chris Sochor is a professionally trained actor and has been making waves before then. I recently asked Mr. Sochor a series of questions, here is what we discussed;
Tell us a little about yourself, where your from, grew up, what H.S./College you attended etc.
I was fortunate enough to grow up in multiple places including; California, Maryland, Florida and even Switzerland. I am half Czech from my father side but he lived most of his life with the Swiss. I lived 4 years in Switzerland and roughly 7 in Florida including two years of High School in both. I studied at the Zurich International School in Switzerland and Charlotte High School in Florida. After which I traveled to NYC and graduated from the American Musical and Dramatic Academy. With all this traveling at a young age, it really helped to mold my mind and my outlook on life. I just wish I realized it then!
What inspired you to be an artist/comic/entertainer? Early experiences worth sharing?
My friends family and a few teachers are the ones I owe all and any success to. I’ve been blessed with that most amazing group of people who choose to put up with me for all these years. They helped me gather the courage to take the first steps into acting. I played many sports throughout my life so the Arts where never something I thought I could truly excel at. My teacher and friends proved me wrong.
My friends and I performed at closing ceremonies for a Florida District Acting competition in High School. We ended up being asked to perform at our State Competition for thousands of Thespians. At first I took it with a smile but later on the ride home, I cried. A teacher and mentor of mine leaned over and told me it was okay to cry, you’ve earned it. I’ve never felt so sure of something.
Talk about a time where you have faced adversity/conflict and have triumphed.
To be honest I feel as if I don’t have any true conflicts that would set me apart form anyone else. I’ve lost a parent at a young age, I lived with a foster family for a few years and at one point had my sexuality questioned for quitting sports to pursue the arts. In my opinion, many people have had far worse. Everything that has happened has already has happened and the person I am is the result. That is how I triumphed.
What do you believe sets you apart from other entertainers?
This may sound cliche or weird but I believe it’s my soul that sets me apart. I was able experience a lot at a young age which has help me grow both mentally and spirituality, Some people refers to it as stage presence but I believe for me it goes deeper than that. I live for the split seconds in which I can connect with an audience member in a way only the two of us can explain. I feel like our souls meet in that instance and we share the same presence.
Do you have other interests or hobbies?
I have TOO MANY! As I mentioned earlier, I played a lot of sports so naturally drawn to fitness but I’m also a very big comic/anime fan. Read the comics watch the animes! Lastly I love playing old video games. In my old apartment in Harlem we would hold Super Smash Bro’s tournaments! Gained and lost a lot of friendships in those days.
Any projects you have out or currently working on?
I’m currently a Fight Director/Choreographer at the New York Renaissance Faire. I’m also fortunate enough to portray the role of Robin Hood at the festival as well. There we sword fight through out the day and perform fairy tail like scenes for audiences of all ages. It’s a show that I’m very proud of and have worked hard with throughout the years.
Come October I will be filming an action Syfy battle that will include some beautiful filmography and awesome stunts.
Where would you like to see yourself in 5 years?
In 5 years I’m aiming to be a full time stunt performer with a show that offers all the essentials. I’m truly happy creating memories with people and sharing my art, I want to do that as much as humanly possible while mainting the support I need to give my family.
What advice can you give to aspiring entertainers?
Be. Obsessed. Be obsessed with everything your art has to offer. It’s a long journey that is never truly over, you need to stay obsessed with the feeling that got you this far or whatever is for you. It will help guide and aid you throughout this marathon. Everyday set goals and kick em in the face! Never stop wanting it.
How can we follow along in your journey? Social media?
You can follow me on the Instagram: C.Sochor or on Facebook: Christian Sochor.